Elections are held at: Laketown Township Hall at 9530 Laketown Road, Chaska, Minnesota
Primary Election: 2nd Tuesday of August in even numbered years.
General Election: Tuesday following the 1st Monday of November in even numbered years.
Laketown Township Supervisors (General Election)
Four (4) year term begins the January immediately following election.
Supervisor Position "A" term expires January 2029 (election in November 2028)
Supervisor Position "B" term expires January 2027 (election in November 2026)
Supervisor Position "C" term expires January 2027 (election in November 2026)
Serve as an Election Judge
If you are interested in serving as an Election Judge, please contact the Clerk
at the Laketown Town Hall via clicking this email template Clerk@LaketownMN.gov
NOTE: By statute, we receive a list of residents who the major political parties approve for consideration to serve as Election Judges. If you affiliate with either of the major political parties in Minnesota (Democrat-Farmer-Labor -or- Republican) you may reach out to your party to be added to the list for consideration. We adhere to selecting Election Judges in a manner that meets party balance and prioritizes the integrity of our elections.
Laketown Township 2024 Board of Canvass Statement